Graphics can be used for any kind of drawing. Use the draw
prop to interact with the PIXI.Graphics API.
<script> import { onMount } from 'svelte' import { Graphics, onTick } from 'svelte-pixi'
let size = 100 let counter = 0
onTick((delta) => { counter += delta * 0.025
size = 100 + Math.sin(counter) * 50 })</script>
<Graphics x={375} y={200} draw={(graphics) => { graphics.clear() graphics.beginFill(0xde3249) graphics.drawCircle(0, 0, size) graphics.endFill() }}/>
Name | Description |
blendMode | PIXI.BLEND_MODES The blend mode to be applied to the graphic shape. Apply a value of PIXI.BLEND_MODES.NORMAL to reset the blend mode. Note that, since each primitive in the GraphicsGeometry list is rendered sequentially, modes such as PIXI.BLEND_MODES.ADD and PIXI.BLEND_MODES.MULTIPLY will be applied per-primitive. |
draw | (graphics: Graphics) => any Call your drawing functions on the PIXI.Graphics instance here |
instance | PIXI.Graphics The PIXI.Graphics instance. Can be set or bound to. |
pluginName | string Renderer plugin for batching |
tint 0xffffff | number The tint applied to each graphic shape. This is a hex value. A value of 0xFFFFFF will remove any tint effect. |
Additional props are passed on to Container
Name | Props | Fallback |
default | {} |
Name | Type | Detail |
added | forwarded | |
click | forwarded | |
create | forwarded | |
globalmousemove | forwarded | |
globalpointermove | forwarded | |
globaltouchmove | forwarded | |
mousedown | forwarded | |
mousemove | forwarded | |
mouseout | forwarded | |
mouseover | forwarded | |
mouseup | forwarded | |
mouseupoutside | forwarded | |
pointercancel | forwarded | |
pointerdown | forwarded | |
pointermove | forwarded | |
pointerout | forwarded | |
pointerover | forwarded | |
pointertap | forwarded | |
pointerup | forwarded | |
pointerupoutside | forwarded | |
removed | forwarded | |
removedFrom | forwarded | |
rightclick | forwarded | |
rightdown | forwarded | |
rightup | forwarded | |
rightupoutside | forwarded | |
tap | forwarded | |
touchcancel | forwarded | |
touchend | forwarded | |
touchendoutside | forwarded | |
touchmove | forwarded | |
touchstart | forwarded |